With our experts and in-house Lead Auditors, we guide you through the recognized framework for information security—leading you to your ISO 27001 certification.
The IT-Grundschutz framework, with its recommended security measures, has established itself as a recognized standard in IT security. Based on this framework, a migration path has been developed, enabling companies to demonstrate their level of IT security.
To introduce and implement an Information Security Management System (ISMS) under ISO 27001, all technical and organizational security measures are assessed by certified Lead Auditors. These auditors evaluate the essential functions of your company, including:
✔ Review of existing reference documents
✔ On-site inspections and security assessments
✔ Final audit report submission to BSI (Federal Office for Information Security)
✔ Completion of the ISO 27001 certification process
📌 Want to learn more about ISO 27001 and EN 50600?
🚀 Join our hands-on workshops!
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